Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo - UDI

Revistas Científicas y Técnicas



Acid Rain Index
- Acid Rain Program
- Air and Waste Management Association
- Agriculture Department of the Food and Agriculture United Nations Organization (AG/FAO)
- Alberta Environmental
- American Bird Conservancy (USA)
- American Journal of Botany (USA)
- Ames Laboratory Environmental Technology Division
- Amigos de la Tierra-Juventud (España)
- APELL EcoPetrol Colombia
- Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza (ANCON) de Panamá
- Atlantic Center for the Environment (Canada) QLF
Bringing Our Stuaries New Life
- British Columbia Provincial Emergency Program
- British Columbia: Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks (Canada
Centro Iris de medio ambiente (España)
- Centro Nacional para el Desarrollo Sustentable de la República Oriental del Uruguay
- Ciudades para un futuro más sostenible (España)
- Chesapeake Bay Trust
- Center for Ecological Health Research
- Center for Renewable Energy and Sustainable Technology (CREST)
- Centro de Información y Comunicación Ambiental de Norte América (CICEANA)
- Climate Action Network Newsletter, The
- Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad (México)
- Committee for the National Institute for the Environment (CNIE)
- Conscious Choice: The Journal of Ecology & Natural Living
- Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN)
- Convention on Biological Diversity
DMP Corporation
E-JournalUNAM. áreas de ciencia, arte y humanidades.
e-Textos:  es una publicación del Instituto de Altos Estudios Universitarios de Barcelona.
Earth Day: be part of something really big
- Earth Day Groceries Project
- Earthwatch
- EarthWeek
- EcoDigital, publicación de ambiente y desarrollo humano de Globo (Argentina)
- Ecología y Medio Ambiente en Chile
- Ecology WWW page. List of WWW Sites of Interest to Ecologists
- Ecology Action Centre
- EcoNet´s Endangered Species Action and Information guide
-- EcoNet / Institute for Global Communications
- Ecotopia
- Electronic Green Journal
- Energy and Environmental Research Center (University of Dakota)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network (EREN) - U.S. Department of Energy
- Energy Guide Web Site
- Endangered Species (EE-Link)
- EnviroLink Library
- Environment & Society: An Environmental Resource Guide
- Environment Australia Online
- Environment Canada: Atlantic Region
- Environment Guides-Argus Clearinghouse
- Environmental Ethics Journal
- Environmental Health and Safety (University of Wisconsin)
- Environmental News Network
- Environmental & Societal Impacts Group (ESIG)
- Environmental Professional's Homepage
- Environmental Research Institute of Michigan, The
- Environmental Studies (University of Oregon)
- Environmental Support Solutions, Inc.
- Environmental Working Group (EWG)
- Eric and Stephanie's Earth-Wide
- Ethics and Value Studies, National Science Foundation
Foss Environmental Services Co.
- Florida Center for Environmental Studies
- Floridata (Photographic encyclopedia of landscape plants)
- Forever Wild Tree Conservancy
- Friends of the Environment
Garden State Laboratories, Inc.
- Global Network of Environment and Technology
- Global Recycling Network (GRN)
- Greater Yellowstone Area Page
- Great Lakes Information Management Resource (GLIMR)
- Green Action Index: Environmental Contacts Online (Scotland, U.K)
- Greenfield Environmental
- Green Market
- Greenpeace International Home Page
- Greenpeace: Multilateral Environmental Treaties
- Green Plans: Resource Renewal Institute
ICE House (Information Center for the Environment) at UC, Davis
- Infoagua - Por el medioambiente acuático de América Latina y el Caribe
- Initiatives Online
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IASA)
- International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
- International Solar Energy Society, The
- Internet Green Marketplace
- Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth
- Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonía Peruana
- Instituto Nacional de Ecología (INE) - México
- Jefferson Land Trust
- Kansas Collaborative Research Network (USA
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Environmental Programs
- Leadership for Environment and Development
- League of Conservation Voters
- Linkages of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)
- Lloyd Center for Environmental Studies
- Michigan - School of Natural Resources and Environment
- Montana Natural Heritage Program
- Morris Environmental, Inc.
National Audobon Society
- National Center for Vehicle Emissions Control and Safety
- National Center for Atmospheric Research
- National Parks and Conservation Association
- Natural History - the world of nature, from past to present
- National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the Environment
- Natural Resources Research Information Pages (NRRIPS)
- Nature Conservancy, The (TNC)
- NASA's Earth Observatory
- Navy Research Laboratory - Backgrounds Data Center
- New Brunswick Precipitation Monitoring Program
- Niwot Ridge (Colorado) Long-Term Ecological Research
- NFS-Radiation Protection Systems
- NFS International
- North American Center for Emergency Communications (NACEC)
Oregon Graduate Institute
- Penn State - College of Earth and Mineral Sciences
- People & the Planet
- Peregrine Fund, The
- Plants for a Future
- Ploss Associates-Safety & Environmental Resources
- Prensa Verde, una agencia informativa diferente (Colombia)
Rainforest Action Network (RAN)
- Raptor Center, The
Redalyc - UAEM.:  red de revistas científicas de América Latina y el Caribe
- Red para el Desarrollo Sostenible de México, A.C.
- Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe
- Rescan International
- Rigth-to-Know Network, The
- Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance
Revista Colombiana de biotecnología:
investigación y avances en el área biotecnológica
REVISTA ENTER    Publicación de ciencia y tecnología en computación
Sempervirens Fund
- SET Environmental
- Simon Fraser University - NSERC/CWS Chair in Wildlife Ecology
- SAGE The Solvent Alternatives Guide
- Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA)
Solo arquitectura: todo arquitectura, construcción y diseño de interiores
- State Recycling Laws Update Newsletter
- South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
- Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC)
State of the Environment (Norway)
- SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry
Tellus Institute for Resource and Environmental Strategies
- Th!nk Group: Clean Green Electric Machine
- Thompson Publishing Group: Environmental Publications
- Threatened Animals of the World
- Turner Endangered Species Fund
- Turtle Trax - A Marine Turtle Page
UGA School of Environmental Design
- UNESCO World Heritage List
- United Nations Foundation, The
- University of California at Davis: Department of Environmental Horticulture
- University of Massachusetts/Boston - Environmental Sciences
- University of Strathclyde - Graduate School of Environmental Studies
- University of Waterloo: WATgreen
- University of Wisconsin: Nutrient and Pest Management
- U. S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. EPA & Ozone Depletion
Vanderbilt - Center for Environmental Management Studies
- Waste Management (University of Waterloo)
- Water Resources Research Center
- WaterWiser - The Water Efficiency Clearinghouse
- Web-agri: the smart farming site (buscador de sitios)
- Wildlife Resources on the Internet (Index)
- World Conservation Monitoring Centre
- World Resources Institute (WRI)
- Yosemite National Institutes
- Zion National Park (Utah, USA)


Eventos de  

Enero 20 – Febrero 07/2025  -  Realización del Curso Virtual gratuito de DEONTOLOGÍA PSICOLÓGICA para los estudiantes interesados en realizar la Práctica en Psicología Clínica en el I-2025.
Febrero 06/ 2025  - Primera Reunión Docente – Primer Periodo 2025 – 6:30 p.m. (Jueves).
Febrero 07/ 2025  - Inducción de Estudiantes Nuevos Jornada Diurna - 9:00 a.m (Viernes).
Febrero 07/ 2025  - Inducción de Estudiantes Nuevos Jornada Nocturna - 6:30 p.m (Viernes).

Ver Calendarios Académicos completos
Universidad de Investigación y Desarrollo - UDI